We live in a world where mental health is fast becoming one of the major issues. In recent times, it has become an even bigger issue because of the pandemic. A series of unending lockdowns can be stressful when one is all cooped up at home and forced to make drastic changes in their lifestyle, or even have their income impacted. For those who have a disability or have been diagnosed with a long-term condition or illness, there may be particular challenges to looking after yourself, you may have to overcome the challenges that your condition brings in terms of physical and mental health and it may mean adapting your lifestyle to live well.

Self-care capacity is a complex construct

Self-care capacity is a complex construct, and its varied elements have differential relationships with perceptions of well-being. Those with physical disabilities reported more self-care limitations, poorer perceived health, and more health worries than the other groups.

Living with a long-term condition or disability

There is a lot of evidence (based on published research) that shows that it is possible to eat and drink appropriately and undertake the physical activity with a long-term condition/illness or disability. More importantly, the evidence shows that the majority of people do benefit from the right form of exercise.

It is reported that adults with disabilities experience frequent mental distress almost 5 times more than the average able-bodied adult. These mental stressors are said to come from poor health behaviours, increased use of health services, mental disorders, chronic diseases, and limitations in daily life.

We’ve rounded up some self-care tips to help you get through the day if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. Let’s get started with the tips!


Laughing releases soul tension and just gets you in a better space so you can move forward from that different space. Whatever works – whatever makes you laugh – make it a priority for example watching some hilarious movies.

Book of Positive Aspects

Get a notebook. Write down ONLY the positive things about anything you feel like – your work, a friend, a family friend, your home, whatever you want, but ONLY the positive. The idea behind this is that after writing a few pages of this every day, you are put into a different frame of mind and are lifted out of your funk.


This is gold. The essence of meditation is to slow our breathing and empty our minds. The point of that is to ground us. It’s also to quiet our monkey mind and allow us to actually hear the Universe/Holy Spirit. Meditation empties the garbage and allows calm to flow and lift.

There’s no perfect self-care activity

We’re all built differently, the same goes for our interests. If you aren’t interested in any one of these activities, you can always opt to try other activities. So long as you relax and have fun while at it!

If you’re still overwhelmed by what’s happening around you despite trying all these activities or more, remember that Elmur Community Services will always be there for you and would love to help you!

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