A person with physical disability does not suffer only physically but their emotions, thoughts and social life is also affected. But despite every difficulty they emerge out winners because they learn how to cope with loss of some organ(s). We have this habit of looking at people living with a disability with pity. However, they are warriors because they faced a difficulty, they were bruised and yet they keep fighting. They live there to the fullest and they cherish what we take as granted. And there is a saying that who with lacking one sense has one special one that we ‘normal’ do not have.

And that is so true, we are the ‘normal’ ones, these people, they are extraordinary.

How to cope with sudden physical impairment?

Sometimes because of accidents, or diseases or any other mishap, a person is harmed so much that results a lifelong-loss. When you are physically fit all your life and suddenly you suffer a loss, it’s really difficult to accept that. All the stress, pain and grief affect the mental health badly and can cause depression, anxiety or other mental health issues. The initial months are really difficult. Everything takes a toll on your emotions. But there is no point in crying over things that you cannot change.

It is important that you realise your one organ or its loss does not define you. You as a person define yourself. Stop fighting with your body or situation, rather be positive because attitude will compensate for the impairment and your attitude will motivate you and others around you to do better despite difficulties.

How to cope with physical disabilities and emerge out as a winner?

You know there are millions of people of suffer with disabilities who rather than giving up achieve heights of success in workplace, society and the world. Their glorious journeys have these elements:

1. Acceptance: First and foremost, you should accept your disability. It is easier said than done. Cry over your loss, tell your closed ones how you feel to get over your trauma but do get over your trauma to take the next step. People who are physically disabled by birth have unconsciously accepted that they are different and thus live happily with it. Its time you also develop such attitude.

2. Healthy lifestyle: It is really crucial that you take care of your health after such event. So much stress affects your body functions badly and thus can worsen your condition. Therefore, eating a healthy and nutritious diet and doing recommended exercise will benefit you and will help you to cope up with the impairment.

3. Positivity: When you have finally accepted the circumstances, it is time you accept everything with positive outlook. See more of your abilities, things you can do rather than lingering on what you cannot. Smile more often, go out in public, visit places you love and do what you love. Change your dreams and plans and start building a new world.

4. Reduce your disability’s effect: If how you look to others matters to you then find some way to reduce the appearance of it by prosthetics or other medical equipment.

Pity and sympathy is something you will definitely experience. Sometimes bullying too, but you should become used to it. Just remember one thing that every disabled person faces this situation so take it casually and normally because it is going to be part of your life. You might even get a bit fun from it.

We should never forget that physical disability does not changes one thing, that they are humans, just like us, who have the same thoughts, dreams, ideas just as we have.

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